Women Behaving Badly

A kickoff of the South Dakota Festival of the Book, Woman Behaving Badly is a fun event held by Writers Block where female authors whose genres lay in between the sheets and revel in the dark of desire and temptation come together to raise money for Backroom projects Dakota Instrument Drive and Readiatrics Book Drive.  

Nothing says woman can’t be smart, sophisticated, talented as well as devious, sexual, and downright badly behaved.

Our work is possible only with the support of our generous sponsors and donors. South Dakota Arts Council support for these live events is provided with funds from the State of South Dakota through the Legislature and Department of Tourism and the National Endowment for the Arts. Infrastructure is partially funded by the Rapid City Arts Council, in partnership with the City of Rapid City. 

T-shirts available

Our next event will be in the fall of 2023

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